Each bag begins with a sketch. The sketch is usually a result of one of us being inspired by something we've seen or experienced in our day to day life. Our team designs most of the leather bags together - from the selection of the leather to the shape and size, as well as hardware to be used on them. After the initial sketch, we make the pattern. One of us does the actual work of drawing out the pattern while the others stand by as we continue to design the bag. The pattern is cut and the first draft of the bag gets made. If all goes well, we might go through this process 2 or 3 more times until we come up with a final design OR decide to scrap it all together (that part really hurts!). Once the bag design is final, we photograph the new bag and edit the photos to prepare them for publication on social media and/or the website. Additional tasks include naming of the item, writing a description, calculating the selling price, and adding the bag to the website. The bag must also be prepared for sale in the retail store by being tagged and then stuffed with paper and placed in the store in such a way as to promote sales.
P.S. We are dedicated recyclers - all of our stuffing paper comes from a shop down the street that receives tons of clean brown paper in their own deliveries!
Everyone is welcome to stop in for a tour of our studio/workshop. Visitors can tour the workshop to see an impressive array of hand tools and machinery as well as the artists at work. Stop in any Saturday!
For groups of 6 or more, please call in advance. Please note ~ our workshop is located on a lower level accessible by stairs.